Earth Day Celebration
Saturday, April 22, 2023 | 8 AM
Nauticus will be hosting an Earth Day Celebration on Saturday, April 22nd. Throughout the day, there will be additional programing and activities to celebrate the Earth. These activities and programs will be:
Recycling Sort: The average American generates about 4.5 pounds of trash every single day. But should all of that trash go directly to the landfill? No! Some garbage should go in the trash can, but some things can be recycled and even composted! Come learn how to spot the differences between trash and (recyclable) treasure with our Garbage Sorting Game.
Green Jobs Spinner: We all know that green things are good for our planet (like green energy, green packaging, and green spaces), but what jobs or careers best help the planet? Give our prize wheel a spin to learn about the different careers available in the “green sector” and why these positions are so important to our Earth.
Habitat on the Hull: Did you know that the Elizabeth River watershed is home to almost 500,000 people and even more plants and animals. But one of the most amazing animals that makes its home in the river is the Eastern Oyster! Oysters can filter up to 50 gallons of water a day which helps to keep the waters around our homes, schools, and businesses clean and healthy. Check out some of our habitat bricks to see some of these animals up close and personal and learn about some of the other plants and animals that call this area home.
We Want You.. to be a Planet Hero!: The question of “what can you do to help the planet?” feels like a very big ask, but it doesn’t have to be! Chat with one of our educators or volunteers about your ideas (from the very small to the very big) about how you can help protect our planet and you will get a nice reward to help you remember that no matter how big or small your actions, anyone can be a Planet Hero!
Join us between 8 AM and 5 PM. Additional programming is included in General Admission. As always, members get into Nauticus for FREE! To join, please visit