Crew Mess Madness
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 | 11 AM & 2 PM
Crew Mess Madness: A Homeschool Day Program
This interactive program will immerse your homeschooler into the life a WWII battleship sailor as they transform into a culinary specialist aboard the Wisconsin! Students will analyze and interpret historical documents and discover how sailors lived and functioned aboard BB64.
This program is perfect for multiple grade level groups and parents can participate as well. Program length is one hour and is an add-on fee of $4.00 per person.
To register for the 11am program, please click here.
To register for the 2pm program, please click here.
Non-members must purchase the homeschool day student / adult admission in addition to the program fee, members receive free admission. To purchase homeschool admission, please click here.