Drones: Is the Sky the Limit?
Saturday, June 18, 2022 - Sunday, October 9, 2022 | Daily
Nauticus’ new summer exhibition runs June 18 – October 9, 2022.
Over the last 75 years, drones have evolved from remote-controlled planes used for target practice into versatile and highly specialized aircraft.
As these aircraft fill the skies, they raise concerns about airspace, privacy, and ethics in modern warfare. But these concerns are eclipsed by excitement for their potential: someday drones will explore Mars, serve as pilotless flying taxis, and deliver packages and groceries to our front doors.
In this exhibit, you’ll explore a birds-eye view of the aeronautics, engineering, science, technologies, and innovations of one of the most intriguing topics dominating our current culture.
Exhibition included in general admission. Nauticus members are always FREE!