The Cofer Cup
Saturday, September 21, 2024 | 10 AM
Sail Nauticus Cofer Cup
Date: September 21, 2024
Time: 10 AM – 12 PM
Where: Nauticus Pier, One Waterside Drive, Norfolk, VA 23510
Team Registration Fee: $425
After Sept. 1, 2024: $475
ON THE WATER: Teams will compete along the Elizabeth River in heats aboard our fleet of Harbor 20 sailboats. Each team must have one member acting as skipper who has passed a Sail Nauticus skipper’s test. The Cofer Cup is followed by an awards ceremony + social.
OFF THE WATER – $15,000 Fundraising GOAL: Teams registered for the Cofer Cup are encouraged to compete to raise the most funds off the water. As if fundraising for a great cause isn’t enough incentive, to sweeten the deal, Cofer Cup teams will get to select their preferred Harbor 20 sailboat in order of most-to-least funds raised from July 20 to September 20 at 12 PM.